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40.31 -树木识别和纪念计划


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最后更新: 2015年4月1日

A. 一般. The University of Idaho recognizes the value of a campus well-endowed with healthy and vibrant trees and wishes to create opportunities for trees to be planted and placed on campus for various patrons, 组, 事件, 和组织. Recognition are for those entities who have been part of the UI family and/or those who have significantly promoted and fostered the success of the university, making substantial and long term positive impact to the university and its programs. This document summarizes the process by which trees can be planted in honor of a patron, group, or organization with the act acknowledged by either a recognition certificate or a plaque placed at the foot of the tree. 

A-1. 合格的参与者. 人, 组, 事件, or organizations directly affiliated with the University of Idaho or its established traditions, 能在这所大学获得如此殊荣吗, 莫斯科大学. 

A-2. 表彰/纪念树请求. 除了在可用的校园景观地点种植一棵新树, recently or newly planted trees within the campus landscape may also be selected as a Recognition or Commemorative tree [3 inches or less in trunk caliper size]. [注:植物园和高尔夫球场不包括在此政策.]

Designation of the proper category for a particular honoree is determined by the Recognition/Commemorative Policy Group which includes the AVP for Facilities, 建筑 & 工程服务总监和景观总监 & 外景服务总监. 

1.)识别类别 - The preponderance of honorees will fall into the Recognition Category where a suitable tree will be planted or selected; a certificate of recognition will be presented to the honoree or family members; the tree will be sited on the UI校园互动地图; and the donor sponsored planting ceremony may be held if the donor or honoree desires one.

2.)纪念类 – For those honorees or dignitaries that are selected for this category, 除了识别类别中提到的所有项目之外, an inscribed bronze plaque will be placed at the foot of the tree as well.  使用6英寸乘11英寸的标准青铜牌匾.  牌匾的文本选择 must follow UI standards and guidelines concerning content, titles, font, and punctuation (请参阅下面的牌匾铭文指南).  复习斑块文本, 编辑, and approved by the Recognition/Commemorative Policy Group to conform to all UI standards mentioned.

嘉许/纪念树申请表格 位于设施及园景署 网站.

A-3. 树的选择. The Campus Horticulturist at UI Facilities determines which tree species or cultivars would best fit any given site for a Recognition/Commemorative tree planting.  Often, several possible choices are available, and the donor may suggest other possibilities as well.  Other locations are more restrictive and require the planting of a particular species/cultivar to match and blend in with the plantings already in place.  These options will be discussed when viewing the available tree planting sites.  Final tree selection is always determined by the Campus Horticulturist to best meet the overall landscape goals and objectives for campus.

A-4. 场地或种植地点. The UI Landscape Department at Facilities will offer one or more appropriate planting sites for consideration to the requestor(s). 这些地点是根据未来的建设情况选择的, 物种的需求, 土壤类型, 树木所需的生长面积. Tree location near a particular building or area will be considered upon request, 但如果这些空格被填满或不合适, the Landscape Department will determine acceptable alternate sites or species.

Currently the Administration Lawn is reserved solely for dignitary and commemorative tree planting only, 因为可供植树的地点非常有限.  Most of the inner campus core is also limited at this time to replacement tree planting sites.  The outer campus core has a wider variety of planting sites available (另见A-7节).

A-5. 选定纪念/嘉许树及牌匾费用. The fee for a Recognition Category Tree is $2,500 and a Commemorative Category Tree is $5,000.   This fee covers the cost of the tree, certificate,  plaque, and installation costs. 这棵树的长期护理将由大学提供. The remaining funds will be placed into the UI Tree and Shrub Endowment fund. This fund is dedicated to the purchase of new and replacement trees and shrubs to enhance the entire university campus landscape and will be used to replace a Recognition/Commemorative tree, 如果它过早死亡(在种植的前10年内.)

A-6. 牌匾铭文指引.

  • 每个斑块最多七(7)条线.
  • 每行最多46个字符,包括空格.
  • No graphics or artwork allowed, though association logos will be considered if they will fit.
  • 这一行不允许使用带有姓名的头衔.
  • Quote or Saying must be short, dignified, and relevant to the person or event being honored.
  • 布局如图所示 网站.

A-7. 表彰/纪念牌档案. 树木有自然的寿命,通常在25到100年之间. When a Recognition/Commemorative tree reaches the end of its natural life span or suffers damage or loss that requires its removal, that planting site becomes available again for a new tree planting opportunity.  当时, 如果有斑块与被切除的树有关, the plaque will also be removed and placed in the Archives of the University of Idaho, 除非另一个人, group, or organization wishes to sponsor a new Recognition/Commemorative tree to be located at the site with the original plaque. This process allows for continuing opportunities for new Recognition/Commemorative trees to be placed on campus in perpetuity, 同时保留过去所有荣誉的记录.  The UI校园互动地图 will also show that the tree has been removed from the site at this time, 但仍将包含原始的捐赠者信息.



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